Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Whuz Reallii Ghud:Young wanna be's??

Whuz Reallii Ghud with these kids who think they're grown?? 12 and 13 with a boyfriend or girldfriend??At birthday parties dubbin and grindin on eachother like a bunch of horny senseless teens?? I've been takin note of these things and its no surprise to me the reason why kids today,especially our black children,are the way they are.

Look at the shit on tv.
Notice what happens on the streets...
But especially take note of what happens at home..parents cussin n beatin up on
eachother...moms smokin all the time,dad's drinkin whenever he get's the chance to breathe....
I hate what's goin on in today's world...especially with our young black and latino children. When i take my younger sister's to school on mornings,i see some of their fellow
schoolmates.Some girls are only 11 and have a coke bottle shape!!

Look at the way these designers models pose for certain shots. Yeah, i know,same shit u hear every otherday but this time u hearin
it from ME.
Yeah, do u
r job,model,get the product out there..
but lo
ok at the audience that you are attracting!
People see a young black
girl hanging out with a couple guys-Oh she's a slut! Or they see a young latina wearin some jeans that show her figure.
..so she's lookin for some....i think not. Young girls today just see fashion on a different level to what the older crowd would find pleasing. New fads? I tihnk not.Its simply history repeating itself with a little taste of modern style. But in all honesty i'm sick of these little junior highschoolers who think they're hot and got sidekicks and and g1's...its amazing...and some of them lose them and are on their 5th sidekick...

Its amazin wut parents would do to become their childs bff...be a parent..not their best friend...


I just wish things were a little different. some people say its something in the water that makes kids today the way they are;gay or straight,grown before puberty strikes them. Me,on the otherhand, I don't think it has shit to do with the water as polluted as it be. I think its simple common sense and these kids got enough sense to know right from wrong.
Its up to them to be presented a situation and know what rules apply...
its a choice!do it or walk away... And if raised the right way,kids should'nt have to THINK about what to say if someone asked them to go to a party with strangers or smoke a blunt....
Straight up;i'm just sick of this shit....
>>KAZM out<<